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Showing posts from December, 2021

December 10, 2021 - Present Tense

Hi Guys, I wanted to reach out to all four of you, because I've felt comfortable confiding in you guys whenever I have had a tough time.  Yesterday was a tough day for me.  It was almost a culmination of events and experiences that have made up my year.  I was almost fired from my job for having bad judgment in trying to make something work that likely would not have had a chance.  Rather than bring up the problem at the beginning, I hoped to cover my own ass by letting the situation play out and hoping it would work out fine.  Unfortunately, it didn't.  I cost the company time and resources because I was too afraid of getting ripped into several weeks ago, but at least it would have been the right judgment call and I could have made up for it later.  My boss had a heart-to-heart with me after a meeting we had where all of the poor decisions and lack of detail came to light.  Those issues mainly fall on me, because I am the manager of the department.  To preface this a bit, my